He Kiwi PyCon koutou | You are Kiwi PyCon

Become a volunteer

Become a volunteer

I helped someone climb a mountain and found I too had reached the top

Have a couple of hours to give? Kiwi PyCon is, in large part, organised and run by volunteers from the Python community. We want to make sure everything runs smoothly and would greatly appreciate your help!

Please read about the role details and responsibilities below and fill out the form to sign up!

While everyone pays, as a Thank You, we will issue you a voucher for a Volunteer discount of $50 on the conference ticket price.

  • Friday - Python workshop assistance

    If you are a Pythonista, you can assist the tutor(s) in running their workshop(s) by helping Python beginners with basic issues and questions.

  • Friday - Conference setup

    There will be boxes to carry, tables and banners to set up and hand sanitisers to distribute. Many hands make light work!

  • Saturday - Registration desk (07:45-09:00)

    Someone needs to say “Welcome! What is your name?”, grab their name tag/swag bag/lanyard and check them in. Please note this starts a bit earlier than the conference.

  • Saturday/Sunday - A/V

    Help the video recording team by ensuring presenters are mic’ed up and assist with the camera work. This could be a half day or full day.

  • Saturday/Sunday - Session chair

    Announce the next presentation, manage the presenter’s time and take questions from the audience.

  • Sunday - Conference breakdown (16:10+)

    What goes up must come down - give us a helping hand packing boxes and loading vehicles. Please note this will happen after the conference closes.