He Kiwi PyCon koutou | You are Kiwi PyCon


Inclusivity at Kiwi PyCon

For Everyone

Python is for everyone; we have a code of conduct and we take it seriously.

Social Indicators

We will provide social indicator stickers for you to indicate your wishes for social interactions with others.

We can provide a red lanyard to wear if you don’t want your picture taken.

You can also select what pronouns will be shown on your badge under your name.

Health and Safety

Kiwi PyCon XIII is a masked event. Read our health and safety policy for more information.

Dietary Needs

Nosh will cater to your dietary requirements (incl. food intolerances/allergies) as indicated during your registration.


Inclusivity is a journey, not a destination, and we are always looking for ways to improve.

Due to financial and venue constraints, we are unfortunately unable to provide free childcare or a low sensory room this year. We plan to reintroduce these for future conferences.