He Kiwi PyCon koutou | You are Kiwi PyCon



Catering for Kiwi PyCon XIII is provided by NOSH:

  • Friday Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea.

  • Saturday Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea.

  • Sunday: Morning Tea, Lunch.

Please indicate your dietary requirements (incl. food intolerances/allergies) on the registration form.

Friday evening will have an assortment of complimentary food platters and a cash bar with beverages.


“NOSH Catering brings culinary excellence to every event, offering a blend of creativity, quality, and impeccable service. From intimate gatherings to grand celebrations, our team is dedicated to providing a seamless and memorable dining experience, tailored to your preferences. Trust NOSH to elevate your next occasion with delicious, beautifully presented dishes that impress and delight.”